Nothing Drastically Important

Trying to bring a little positivity to the world.

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Get Rid Of The Guilt You Are Worthy

Good evening! I hope everyone is warm and safe. The East Coast has nasty weather once again. It’s going to be even colder tomorrow. Hang in there. It’s going to warm up. Just a few more weeks until Spring.

Nothing exciting happening today at all. Just hanging out, and that’s okay. It gave me time to reflect on myself a little.

I’ve been working quite hard at changing my thoughts the last several months. This week has shown me that it’s possible to get, and keep, a good attitude, even when I want to give up, give in, and call it quits. Trust me when I say, a year ago, I would have.

I can’t say it was one thing, or one person, or one web site, or one video, that contributed to the change. I won’t say it was The Secret, or The Law of Attraction. Both movies and videos tell you it can be done, but they don’t tell you how.

I will say Wayne Dyer videos on helped. He was really quite an intelligent person. If I am honest, it was a ‘Tapping’ video. Yes, EFT. It’s actually part of the ancient art of acupuncture combined with modern psychology.

If I get even more honest, it was a video on Tapping for money with Margaret Lynch. The interesting part of the video, at least for me, was not the income part. After all, if you watch it, the video is to help you gain success in your job, career, or business. None of which actually pertained to me. The interesting part is questions that are asked that made me think.

In the video, she says to go back to your earliest childhood memory about money. What do you remember? Oh boy, that memory was a doozy! It led to more and more memories, and not just about money, but every good thing in life. I spent the entire day crying.

That memory was actually my mother screaming at my Dad. It had nothing to do with me in any way, yet I felt guilty. It was that, and many memories of the past, where I felt guilty, or was made to feel guilty, for wanting anything good, including respect. I felt like I didn’t deserve it.

It’s really a quite simple term. Purging. I thought through those memories and realized how it all came about. Do you know what? I also realized that I deserve better. I always did deserve better. I had no reason to feel guilty for wanting, or needing, a better life.

I’m not blaming anyone. Blame solves nothing. The point is to go back and find that moment in time when you began to think you didn’t deserve good things such as love, respect, a good job, happiness, or any other blessing of abundance.

If it was aimed at you, if it was abuse, and I did have that as well, and believed I deserved it, you have to make the decision to no longer be a victim of the guilt. That’s what it really is. It’s guilt. It isn’t your fault. We all deserve good in our lives.

That all said, there will be hard times. Some will be harder than others. A bad attitude will only make it worse. I also believe there is evil in the world. Call it negative forces, if you prefer. It’s there. It’s going to try and drag your thoughts back to the negative. That’s what it does. Negative thoughts to negative actions, and you end up right back where you were, or worse.

I am grateful to people who put me on the right course years ago. One person taught me to be happy for others. She taught me how to be happy for others. Another taught me how to be a friend. I learned how to want good things for other people. That was a start.

I’m thankful for the internet. It helped me to find what I was ultimately searching for, though I didn’t realize it at the time.

Everyone is worthy of good in their life. You are worthy. I am worthy. if you don’t believe you are worthy, you need to find out why. At what point in your life did you begin to believe you weren’t worthy of good? No one is born feeling unworthy. Find the cause, make amends, if you feel you need to, but stop feeling guilty.

Next is to be thankful for the good in your life. Think of the things around you that you enjoy. Think of the good things in your life. Be happy for other people. Be happy for their successes. Be happy when they receive blessings. When you learn to be happy for others, and truly wish and pray for other people, the good comes back to you.

So this week wasn’t an especially good week. So I am in a seriously difficult situation. I’m alive. I have two furry grand babies that love me. Even other people’s pets can warm your heart. For today, I have shelter and food, and a warm safe place to be. I have things around me that I enjoy. And you know what? I haven’t given up.

I’m worthy of good things! You are worthy of good things! You have a purpose. I have a purpose. Find that feeling. Hold on to it. Don’t let anyone take it away from you. It might take time, but * BELIEVE *. Good will come.

At the end of the day, pat yourself on the back. Wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze. Congratulate yourself. You made it through. You did as well as you could. Be proud of yourself.

Praying everyone stays warm and safe. Praying we all receive love, and happiness. Praying we all have our prayers answered and wishes come true. Have a very blessed night.

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Be Kind

Good evening everyone. It’s very late. I hope everyone had a wonderful day.

How is your weather? Ours was rainy today. That’s okay. The Earth needs water. At least this area is out of the drought. If we continue to get regular rain they may drop water restrictions. This area has been under restrictions for several years.

In the midst of all the rain, there was a bright spot. For just a few minutes, a watery sun appeared through the clouds. Not a complete break in the clouds, but they thinned in one spot just long enough to be able to see the sun was still there. That’s a lot like life.

We all go through dreary times. No one has a perfect and smooth ride. We all have to watch for those bright spots when the times are not so good.

It could be a child who hands you a flower, or a friend who comes to visit, or call. It could be a tiny bird singing by your window, or a friendly dog that runs up to greet you. It’s those small things that are like the watery sun showing through a layer of clouds. Little moments of light that show up in the worst of times. Be sure to say thank you for those moments.

We also have to remember that what is a rough thing for others may seem trivial to someone else.

A good example is a wealthy person who suddenly can’t just run out and buy an expensive item due to a shortage of funds, or maybe they are upset they can’t take a luxury vacation.

While the average person can’t understand that persons dilemma, or why it devastates them, we have to remember, they aren’t used to wanting something they can’t have.

Having money to do what they want when they want also doesn’t mean their lives are perfect, or happy.

Another example is the couple who have no children, can spend their money as they choose, on what they choose. They can go places, and do things, without having to worry about babysitters, or bringing children. That couple may be willing to trade their freedom, and extra cash, for a child.

The point is that what one person feels is a hardship, another person may consider trivial and small. We can never judge what troubles another person. We haven’t walked their path. Everyone has a right to their feelings.

We also can’t be judgmental of ourselves. We can’t berate ourselves. We can’t degrade ourselves. How can we love others if we can’t love ourselves? You must speak to yourself in the same manner you would speak to the person you most respect and love.

If you degrade yourself, it’s no different than anyone else doing it. If a person is continually disrespected, bullied, told they are useless, and unworthy, they begin to believe it. The same thing happens when you say those things to yourself.

Tomorrow morning, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror. I know most people don’t really look at themselves. They look at their hair, or clothes. Look yourself right in the eye and tell yourself, “I am worth it. I am worth being loved. I am worth happiness. I am worth prosperity. I am worth all things good.” Be sure to look directly in your eyes when you say those things, and mean it. If you don’t think your worth it, who else will think you are?

Praying that we all have an especially fabulous Friday. May we all receive good surprises, few and small trials, lots of love, prayers answered, and wishes come true. Be kind to yourself.


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Negative Can Become Positive

Happy Tuesday! You not only made it through Monday, but you made it through Tuesday as well. Go you!

I’ll be honest, my day didn’t start too well. Nothing happened. I just woke up with a brain that wanted to go into negative mode. I said my three ‘Thank yous’ as soon as I woke up. Tried hard to visualize positive things. Headed outside to a gorgeous sunny morning for prayers, and was still fighting to get positive thoughts into my mind. I kept fighting!

It took me a little time. For every negative thought, I stopped and forced a positive thought. It did turn around. In all honesty, it took more than a few hours.

Understand, my life is in a great deal of turmoil and uncertainty. I don’t want to put the negative things here. I do ask that you send me positive energy, and prayers.

The point is, even with all the things going on, even with the negative thoughts fighting to take over the instant I woke up, I fought hard to get the positive thoughts to overcome the negative. It worked.

By lunchtime, I was downright perky. The sun was shining, with clouds off and on. It was warm. I was outside walking up and down, head held high. I’m about as happy as I can get. I’m very thankful for all the blessings I receive. That was a key to getting back to a positive thought pattern.

I am worthy of good things. I am worthy of receiving an abundance of all things good.

Those are the things you have to remember when negativity creeps in. Think of all the good things in your life. If nothing else, you are alive. Every single person has touched someone else’s life, at some point, in a positive way.

You are the manifestation of the Creator, God, or whatever you believe to be the manifesting power of all things. You are meant to be here. You are wanted, and needed, by the universe. The Creator doesn’t make mistakes. No one is an ‘accident’. There is a reason for each person to come into the world when they do. You are worthy. You matter.

Yesterday I posted on the experiment of collaborative thinking to bring rain to the drought stricken areas of California. I fully believe collaborative thoughts can bring great results. I’ve seen  miracles happen when multiple people focus their thoughts on one idea. Prayers, positive energy, whatever you call it, of multiple people, with one mindset, can make a difference. I don’t need an experiment. I’ve seen it work.

I am asking every person who reads this to do one thing. Focus. Take a few deep breaths. Think of all those who are reading this. Send out this message. “You are worthy of all things good. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of good health. You are worthy of money, and financial stability.” I am thinking those thoughts as I type this. We are ALL worthy of those things, and more. I am sending those thoughts and prayers out for all who read this, and those who don’t. I hope you send those thoughts out as well.


Have a blessed and peaceful night.






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Pets Get Cold – Thank Utility Workers

Happy Tuesday everyone. I hope everyone is safe and warm. I am NOT warm. The thermostat is broke. No heat. Being as it has been in the upper 20’s in the mornings, not warm in the afternoons, it’s quite chilly. At least I have shelter.

It looks like the rest of the week, and weekend, are going to be quite rough for just about everyone here in the States. Can you believe they expect snow in Georgia? Between snow, ice, and bitter cold, we should all be very thankful for shelter, and so much more. I know I am.

If you have pets, think of them as you would a child. If you’re cold. They are cold. Any vet will tell you that fur doesn’t keep them very warm. Even the huskies in the Arctic are sheltered in the bitter cold. Our two little babies here have jackets. Yes, my two fur babies have hooded sweat jackets. They still get cold. Both are short haired dogs.

I thought about it this morning. Even with fur, think about the feet and ears. Would you allow your child to be outside with only something on the top of their feet in winter? The pads on an animals feet are not insulated anymore than the soles of our feet. What if we only protected the backs of our ears? Animals can, and do, get frost bite. They also freeze to death. It’s cruel murder to allow an animal to freeze to death.

Thankfully, many states no longer allow dogs to be tied outside. So many senseless deaths due to animals tied outside and left there. It’s just plain wrong.

Besides thinking of our pets, we also need to think about the utility workers who are out in the worst weather for all of us to have phones and electric. Do you have any idea how many are critically injured, and killed, trying to make sure we have our creature comforts?

If you see a utility worker outside in the cold and nasty weather, go and offer them a cup of coffee, a cup of hot tea, hot cocoa, or something warm to drink. Be sure to tell them thank you. Just saying thank you means more to them than you know.

How do I know thank you means a lot? My oldest son works for the phone company. The things he’s done to keep emergency lines working, phones working, cell phones, and all other types of communications, has really scared me. He’s told me more than once that just one person who said thank you, after a really rough day, means everything.

For those in the snowy areas, please stay back from the snow plow drivers. They are trying to clear roads for us. Their job is dangerous enough. Those trucks are on the snowy and icy roads before anyone. Trying to avoid an accident with another vehicle that is too close to the truck makes it twice as dangerous for them, and the vehicle that is too close.

Don’t go out if you don’t have to. That’s the best rule to follow.

I just want to include a picture that tells you just how cold it was the last two mornings. I put the heating pad down for a minute to do something. One of my furry grand babies walked right over and had a seat.


Stay warm. Be safe. I pray we all have a very happy rest of our week. That we are all warm, loved, blessed, that we have few and small trials, that our prayers are answered, and wishes come true.

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Small Gesture But So Special

Good evening everyone. Winter has arrived in Northeast Florida, at least for the next few days. Going down to 35 degrees tonight. That is serious cold here.

How was your day? Mine was so-so until one small gesture from someone.

I met this young man when he was in college. He was a very good friend of my youngest, the son who had the scholarships. The guy was always a doll. He came over to visit, always had a hug for me when I would go to campus. One of the friends who was always there for my son. He even came over after my son had graduated and left town for his first real job.

This guy is very talented! Majored in graphic design in college, and had surf board designs sold to major companies in his junior year. Yes, that kind of talent.

He went on to graduate school, designed a dress for a project that Tyra Banks wanted.

Through all of that, he was on my Facebook. He, and a few other of my son’s college friends asked to be on my Facebook while still in college. They’re wonderful people, and we’ve stayed in contact.

He did have a secret. I knew. No, he never told me, and gave no clue, but I knew. My son thought I was crazy. He announced the secret this year. Yes, he’s gay. So? That was my reaction. It doesn’t change the person he is.

I was able to see most of my son’s close college friends a few moths ago at my son’s wedding. He didn’t come. I suspect he was afraid of not being accepted by his college friends, due to his announcement. We all missed him. They all mentioned how they wished he was there.

I’ve moved several times since the boys all graduated. Today, I received a Christmas Card. It was from the guy. Beautiful picture! He looks incredibly happy. He and his significant other are on it, and it says, “Our First Christmas Together.”

I had tears in my eyes. Why? He had to go through a lot of trouble to get my address, without me finding out. Sure, he could have messaged me, or emailed me. He chose to surprise me.

He tracked down my address, and thought to send me a very special card. I am so touched! A small gesture that means more than anyone can imagine.

I have quite a bit going on in my life. I fight very hard to stay positive. It isn’t easy. I often argue with myself. That’s why I started the blog. It’s a commitment, and it’s about positive things. At least once a day, I have to be totally positive.

Today, I am so thankful for this young man’s kind and thoughtful heart. It blessed my day.

That’s what a small act of kindness can do.

Have a very blessed, safe, and wonderful weekend.


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Change….Be Thankful For It

The rain is pouring down. Lightening flashes occasionally. The wind is  whipping the trees and the rain. It isn’t even 10:00 in the morning. It’s all good. We need the rain. It’s also a change from unusual very warm temperatures to more mild and normal weather. It’s refreshing.

I’m thankful for a safe dry place. I’m thankful for the rain to nourish the Earth and all it’s plants and creatures. I’m thankful for the change of seasons.

Being thankful is a path to greater things in my life. As I continue the path of thankfulness and positivity, I’ve noticed a change in those around me. That’s exactly what happens. It’s slow, but as you become more positive and thankful, without pushing it at other people, it changes those around us.

The first steps of the journey were not easy, and there are days it still isn’t easy. I would read a quote, or an article, that would say your past has nothing to do with now, and think how wrong it was. I would hear ‘ask and receive’, and think of all the times I asked and received nothing. I kept on the journey. I followed the path. It led me to many places, and still does. I’m still on that journey. It’s a path we must all strive to follow daily, and it doesn’t always come easily.

Things change. I’ve never been good with change. It happens. I’ve learned to just go with the flow. Attitude has a lot to do with how well the change goes. Sometimes you have to accept things for what they are and keep moving. That change may even be the loss of friends as you walk your path. Yes, I’ve had that happen. Spiritual and religion don’t often go well together, and some can’t see a difference. It caused issues.

Let me say this, spiritual is the basis for all religion. It’s the politics of man that builds the rigid walls of religion. It’s God, the Source, “I AM” that is the spiritual, and your own experience with that. No man can control how you interact with God. No religion can control your spiritual experience and relationship with God.

To add to my thankfulness today, I am thankful for change. I’m thankful for the changes within me, and how they have changed those around me.

Have a blessed and safe Sunday.


The Thankfulness Factor

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  Thank you for waking up. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for all the blessings coming my way today. * Believe * there will be blessings, and there will be. I woke up. I could stand and walk. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and people who actually care that I am safe. Huge blessings, and reasons to be thankful.

It’s the month for thankfulness. Why do we only devote one month a year to being thankful? I never understood that. We need to be thankful every single day. Even if you’re unhappy there is something to be thankful for. If nothing else, you’re alive. That alone has potential. As long as you’re alive many miracles can, and will happen. Those miracles are around us every day. We need to choose to see them.

Believe me, I know some of you don’t want to hear it. I’ve been there too many times, and for periods of time that lasted far too long. I could tell you my story. You would probably wonder how I can still be thankful. It took time to learn. It took a path I was shown to follow, and am still following. I still have days I need to fight to keep a positive attitude. Yesterday was one of them. I still struggle daily. There are moments I have to stop and remind myself to find the positive. No one has a perfect life.

Everyone who reads this is part of some sort of social media site. If you’re on a computer, you’re on a social media site. 1 in 7 people on this planet check Facebook each day. That’s the newest figures out.

Let’s use social media to spread this information on happiness.

First, the challenge. Every single day, for 21 days, I want everyone to post one thing they are thankful for. Make it something different for each day. It usually takes a few minutes to think of something you really want other people to know you’re thankful for. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. It’s actually the daily small things that make us happy.

It takes 21 days to form a habit. After the 21 days, you may still need to remind yourself to be thankful. Some people may choose to start a journal.  Simply sit down with a notebook, or even a computer. Set a timer and spend 2 minutes writing any words to remind you what you were thankful for that day. Pet- our pets give us unconditional love. Job- provide us with our financial needs. Many can’t get a job. Whatever the words are, just keep going for two minutes. You can add the meanings for each word after the two minutes.

After 21 days, keep going. I’ve been at it for months. Am I happier. Yes. Am I less stressed and anxious? Yes. Is my life a blissful perfection? No, but I am happier.

Know this, by lowering stress and anxiety levels, it actually makes you healthier. I won’t put the links for the research on how happy people are healthier. There have been many studies on that. I will post an article on the science of gratitude. Read it. Look for more articles. I can assure you, researching just that will send you on a journey to other places, other topics, and deeper spirituality.

Wishing us all a blessed day. May we all see the miracles around us, and find happiness.

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Be Thankful and Accepting of Abundance

Happy Saturday! The sun is actually shining here, and it’s cooler. A nice change.

Today is a good day to focus on blessings. I have many in my life, starting with my amazing children, and grand children. It’s always most important to be thankful for all blessings in our lives. Being thankful brings more blessings. I’ve always understood that, and have always been thankful. What I didn’t quite understand was prayers.

I always prayed. Everyday. It’s just something I have always needed to do. What I didn’t understand was when I prayed for other people, the prayers were answered. When I prayed for myself, usually nothing happened. For years I could not figure that out.

A few weeks ago, while watching a video on Tapping, it finally came to me. I was causing the prayers to not be answered.

You see, I had a terrific Dad. He wasn’t perfect, but he was pretty darn great. He never ever made me feel guilty for asking him for anything. I just didn’t ask him for things, unless it was a dire need. Think about that. Even as a teenager I didn’t ask. There were reasons.

My Dad made good money, but lived in a house that looked more like a shack. He drove used cars that he usually had to fix before he could drive them. You’re wondering why.

It’s quite simple. My mother divorced him when I was 5. I was actually okay with that. I thought it was better for him. Not financially. She took him to the cleaners! I mean she took everything, but his clothes. It was the early 70’s and she was receiving over $600 a month in child support. Think about that a minute. Her house payment was $80. There was no car payment, as he had paid that off, and she got the car. Three kids at home. He paid all the insurance, dentist bills, doctor bills. Dad even bought our school clothes. Gas was 34 cents a gallon. Most women don’t get $600 a month in child support for three children even now.

Then there were my grown brothers. Two were married. One lived with his girl. They worked and had good jobs. However, every week they needed something. Dad didn’t even blink. He’d buy it for them, or give them money. Needless to say, that happened more and more as grand children came along.

I moved in with my Dad  at age 14. I was the last one to leave my mother’s house. She fought that in court. She wanted that $600 a month. By that age, the court let me choose.

I went to school. I even had a job, and would babysit. Dad didn’t like that too much. Not because he wanted control. He just didn’t think a young teen needed to be working so much, especially why I was working. It was simple. I didn’t want to ask him for anything. He had so little, and worked so hard. All his money was always going to someone. My brothers always had their hands out, and Dad could not say no. Yes, I was an only girl.

I should tell you, Dad did NOT play favorites. He grew up in a family of ten kids. His Mom taught him there are not favorites when you have children. Dad loved all of us, and made sure we knew it. I should also say that he never once complained about the money he sent my mother, and had I ever said a bad word about my mother in his presence, I heard about it. After all of it, he still insisted on respect.

So, here I was in middle school. I wasn’t dressed like the other girls. My job could not support that. I had what I needed though. Dad didn’t like that. Dad went shopping.

I remember him calling me out of my room one late afternoon, and him handing me several bags. All he said was, “Go try them on.” Needless to say, some things didn’t fit. I thought he would take them back, get his money back, and that would be that. Nope! Off we went to exchange the clothes for the right size.

I learned that day to go with him when he would say we were going shopping. I honestly think he was hurt that I tried to not ask him for things I needed. He knew why, and I did get a minor lecture. It was his job to provide me with what I needed.

The day I listened to the video on Tapping, I realized an important thing. I felt guilty, even now. Is not God our Father? Could it be that I felt guilty asking him for the things I needed? So many other people need things as well. The difference is that God, the Source, the Creator, is abundant. God doesn’t have the limits my Dad had.

I cried. I’m not even ashamed to say it. What had I done? I spent so much time not allowing my own Dad to do things for me, because I felt guilty about how other people used him. It hurt him. That’s when I realized I was probably hurting the Father of all creation as well. I felt horrible!

From that moment on, I changed inside. Of course, I was thankful for all my blessings, but I no longer felt guilty asking for things I needed, and some other people may say were things I wanted.

That was less than a month ago. Things are changing. It’s slow, but that’s more due to myself. I also had to learn how to ask in the right way.

It doesn’t work if you say I dislike having to struggle for everything I need. It does work to say I like having all the things I need, thank you. Do you see the difference? It’s speaking as if it’s already received and thanking the Father, the Creator, the Source.

Believe me, there have been a few surprises. A few ‘events’ that were bigger than expected. I look up even more often and say thank you.

Remember, the Creator, Father of all, is abundant. Be thankful. Ask and you shall receive. Matt 7:7.

Have a blessed and safe weekend!